How can I Gain Muscle Faster with These Proven Methods? - Healthy Pedia


Sunday, July 7, 2019

How can I Gain Muscle Faster with These Proven Methods?

“I wish I could gain muscles fast”! This is a common complaint coming from people who work hard at the gym, eat right yet aren’t able to flaunt the ‘gains’ they would love to. It isn’t easy by any means, and you need to invest in your 100%.

However, if you are still doing everything that needs to be done, yet are not getting the results you want, read not gaining muscle mass, then you probably need to take a closer look at your approach.
But, don’t worry if you have gone off-track somehow, there are great ways of revving up your results. Here are 9 ways to do that.

How to Build Muscle Fast – 9 Ways to Get Ripped

Here are the top nine methods for fast muscle growth.

1. Up your training volume

How do you gain muscle fast? By increasing the volume, multiply the number of reps by the number of sets, it is the best primary determiner of hypertrophy (it is the enhancement of a particular organ or tissue from the increase in the cell-size).
Increasing the volume may not always mean increasing the weight. If you want to increase volume, you may actually need to go lower in weight than you might guess. To add volume to your muscles, you can perform each of your lifts for 10 to 20 reps for three to 6 sets.

2. Focussing on the eccentric phase

Lifting weights involve two phases, one is the concentric phase (hard) and the other is the eccentric (easy) phase. To make it easier for you, let’s consider an example when you perform a squat, it is actually an eccentric action. When you go back to the standing position, it is called the concentric phase. Research shows that eccentric work helps trigger hypertrophy at a higher scale than concentric movement. So, how can you increase the eccentric phase? Just slow down the movement or add eccentric variations of the movement. How can you transform a strength-training move such as the squat into an eccentric-only exercise? Just increase the weight. This way muscles move in a stronger fashion.

3. More work and fewer rest Intervals

No more browsing your phone between your sets. If you want to get the best out of your workouts, you have to reduce the rest periods to 30-90 seconds, this helps release quick muscle-building hormones and that includes testosterone and human growth hormone. Workout till your muscles are tired. When you have well and truly fatigued your muscles, it makes way for hypertrophy. This is what makes you feel the burn.

4. Eat more protein and gain more muscles

Here is the simple science you should know about when you train you to break down your muscles. What do you need to build them back again? Yeah, you got it right, its protein! So, if you are into lifting hard, you must replenish your protein needs for your recovery. According to research, weightlifters need at least 0.25 to 0.30 grams of protein per kg body weight per meal. So, for example, if a person weighs 175-pounds, you need to include at least 20 to 24 grams of protein for every meal. So, how can you include that amount of protein to your meals? Well, you can include at least three to four eggs, a cup of Greek yogurt, or alternatively one scoop of protein powder.

5. Calorie surpluses are more important than deficits

Are you into counting calories? Well, this is one big myth that needs to be busted. You need to consume more calories to build more muscles. If you want to gain, you need to consume more to burn more.
This is because when you eat less, your body senses a calorie deficit and your body stops building new muscle. Your body gets into starvation mode and it holds onto the fat instead of packing in new lean muscles.
So, how much should you eat? Aim for at least 250 to 500 calories per day. Research substantiates that people who eat more protein in the form of calories, end up putting on more muscles than those who eat a low-protein diet.

6. Doing more compound exercises certainly helps

Working more than one muscle at the same time is known as compound exercise. A few examples of compound moves are the deadlift, press, squat, row, and pull-ups. The advantages of compound lifts are numerous, they utilize more muscle mass. It involves efficient training and helps in the releasing of hormones such as testosterone that promote growth. If you are fond of isolation work such as curls or leg extensions, you can add them too; but first, you have got to finish up your compound workouts. As they say, a compound exercise is the main course and isolation moves are in fact the dessert.

7. More casein, before you hit the snooze button

Casein protein is an eternal favorite with the bodybuilders as it gets absorbed slowly into the bloodstream and feeds the muscles with amino acids for long hours unlike other types of protein such as whey and plant proteins. It is said that consuming casein protein immediately before bed can keep boosting the amino acid circulation for 7.5 hours, and you build more muscles while you sleep. Try and get your casein fix from foods such as cottage cheese, Greek yogurt, and milk. If you love smoothies, casein-based protein powder can add that bit extra to your smoothies.

8. The optimum amount of sleep is important

The more you work your muscles, the more recovery time you need to help your muscles to grow. The bottom line is, invest in 8 hours of sleep. This is more important than the right nutrition and it is not about that one night; every night you will have to put in eight hours. When you sleep, your body releases human growth hormones, which help in muscle growth, reduce stress and also keep the hormone cortisol in check. And if you are skimping on sleep then you are cutting your muscle-building testosterone level by almost 10 to 15 percent.

9. Supplementing right for optimum muscle growth

Creatine is the number one supplement to enable muscle growth, though it does not directly grow muscle. But yes, it helps boost your performance at high-intensity levels when you lift workouts. The natural compound helps promote muscle growth. What I mean to say is that when you supplement with creatine, you get a greater impetus to lift when compared to lifting without the help of supplements.
Your best bet is probably creatine monohydrate, this is one of the most researched forms of the supplement.

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